3198 Pacific Ave. Ste 104
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
We currently offer COVID-19 antibody testing, PCR, and antigen testing. These tests can provide information on whether you have previously been exposed or may be a current carrier of the virus. Please call ahead if you need COVID testing.
Antibody Testing
Antibody testing can provide information as to whether a patient has previously been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. If you have been exposed, even unknowingly, your body may produce antibodies in response. Although the latest information is constantly changing, it is believed that patients who have antibodies present may experience less severe symptoms, or no symptoms at all if later exposed to the virus compared to those without antibodies. Antibody testing can be billed through insurance.
COVID Swab Testing
PCR Testing
PCR testing is considered the most accurate method for COVID testing currently available. We are now offering both rapid and standard PCR testing for $225 and $50, respectively. Standard PCR testing returns in 2-3 days and rapid PCR testing results in approximately 1 hour. Rapid PCR testing is nearly 100% accurate. Rapid PCR testing may not be billed through insurance.
Antigen Testing
In addition to PCR testing, our office also offers rapid antigen testing. Results return in 15 minutes and have an 86% accuracy rate. The cost for rapid testing is a flat rate of $125 out of pocket; rapid testing may only be billed through insurance with an accompanying office visit. Please call the office for more details and for availability.